The following taxi companies have advised us that they offer wheelchair accessible vehicles:
Robinson College cannot accept responsibility for the service or accessibility offered by these taxis companies and users are recommended to check their suitability before commissioning their service. There is a drop-off point (lay-by) on Grange Road just beyond the College main entrance.
Please use the drop-off point as detailed above. We have one parking space available for a wheelchair user's car in the College underground car-park. This space needs to be booked in advance, through the organiser of your event. Information about access to this car park is available once the space is booked. The main delegate car park is available as detailed in joining instructions from your conference organiser.
Entrance to the College
The main entrance to the College is on the corner of Grange Road and Herschel Road and is a ramp (2.6mwide by 23.5m long at an incline of 1:2 with no resting place).
Access into the Porters Lodge for reception services is through doors (67.5cm wide) on the right at the top of the ramp.
Beyond the Porters Lodge, the entrance opens into Front Court, leading to Herschel Court and Long Court which are all on the ground level. Stairs lead from Long Court to High Court which is accessed by lift from K stair case (level 2). The minimum width of staircase doors is 64.5cm
Auditorium Foyer and Lounge - Access is on the ground floor from Front Court. The minimum width of doors is 1m10.5cm.
Auditorium - Space is reserved in the front row of the Auditorium for wheelchair users with adjacent seating for Carers. Access is on the lower ground level, via the Seminar Room or direct from the underground car park. Access to the lower ground level (level 0) is by lift from K staircase - off Long Court. The minimum width of staircase doors is 73cm.
Umney Theatre Suite - Access is on the ground floor off Long Court. The minimum width of doors is 1m13cm. Space is reserved at the rear of the theatre but there is no adjacent seating for Carers.
Linnett Room - Access is on the ground floor off Long Court. The minimum width of doors is 76.5cm.
Garden and Seminar Rooms - Access is on the lower ground level. Access to the lower ground level (level 0) is by lift from K staircase - off Long Court. The minimum width of doors is 73cm.
Dining Hall - Access is on the lower ground level. Access to the lower ground level (level 0) is by lift from K staircase - off Long Court. The minimum width of doors is 89.5cm.
Garden Restaurant - Access is on the lower ground level via the Dining Hall which is on the lower ground level. Access to the lower ground level (level 0) is by lift from K staircase - off Long Court. The minimum width of doors is 81cm.
Red Brick Café Bar - Access is on the ground floor off Long Court. The minimum width of doors is 96cm.
Food and Bar Service - On most days at breakfast and lunch, we offer a self-serve/tray service meal. Staff are on hand to provide table service. In the bar, table service is available.
The College has one bedroom with modifications to offer limited access improvements for a wheelchair user as follows:
Bridged access over threshold (all other bedrooms have a 1" threshold at their entrance door)
Large room (3.55m x 6m) with open space for wheelchair manoeuvring
Reduced level hand wash basin with easy use taps
Emergency alarm activator is installed - alarm call in Porters Lodge
An adjacent bedroom for the use of a Carer
The room is situated on High Court (level 2) of the College and is accessed by lift from K stair case - off Long Court. The minimum width of staircase doors is 64.5cm. Please note that this room is NOT fitted with a hoist, nor does the College have such facilities.
There are three accessible toilets around the College, two on the ground floor and one on the lower ground floor (level 0).
None of the doors in College have an automatic opening facility though many are held open with wedges. In general, it is advisable that wheelchair users are accompanied by a Carer to assist.
It is the College's policy that a non-participating Carer accompanying a full-paying delegate with particular access needs who is attending an event at the College, will be charged at cost price plus VAT. The charge will vary from event to event based upon the specific arrangements. We are happy to provide an accurate quote once the event details have been finalised.
Please click here for a detailed PDF Map of Wheelchair Access Routes.