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Supporting Robinson

Thank you for your interest in supporting Robinson College as we approach our 50th Anniversary in 2027. Founded on philanthropy, through Sir David Robinson's donation to establish the College, we are still reliant on the generosity of our alumni, friends, and donors to this day.

As the newest College in the University of Cambridge, we pride ourselves on the creativity and flexibility our relative youth provides us. But this also means we have one of the smallest endowments in the University, especially compared to other, older Undergraduate Colleges, meaning that external support is invaluable to our continued growth.

Gifts to Robinson really go further, allowing us to run programmes that we would otherwise be unable to provide, such as:

And various other schemes, both big and small, that contribute to making Robinson such a unique place to work, study, and live.

There are many ways for you to get involved with College life, support current students and keep in touch with your friends. These include:

  • Making a Gift
  • Attending our events
    • If you are interested in organising your own event, of any size, contact us and we can help support you.
  • Leaving a Legacy
    • Committing your support for Robinson and ensuring that your wishes are recognised and celebrated.
  • Giving your time
    • Whether you are offering internship places, or you want to contribute to our careers events, we can connect you.
  • Becoming a Friend of Robinson
    • For those who aren't alumni themselves, but want to support us and join the community, consider becoming a Friend.
  • Joining the Robinson College Alumni Association (Pegasus) Committee
    • The Pegasus Committee is currently being restructured for 2025 - please watch this space!