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Leave a legacy to Robinson

Once you have provided for your loved ones, leaving a charitable legacy in your Will gives you a meaningful opportunity: the chance to have a tangible and lasting impact on the causes that matter to you.

Remembering Robinson is your chance to be part of your College long into the future. Your legacy will empower the minds of countless Robinsonians - gifting them the encouragement they need to make the most of their time here.

We are very grateful that you are considering making a legacy gift. A legacy gift recognises your ongoing commitment to excellence and the continued success of your College. Your legacy will give you a special role in shaping the future of your College and will forever be woven into the fabric of Robinson.

To thank you for your legacy gift, you will be warmly invited to become a member of the Crausaz Wordsworth Society.

Your Will is understandably a personal matter and we respect anyone's decision to keep this private. If you do wish to inform your College of your intention to leave a legacy gift, this would be incredibly helpful, and mean that we are able to express now our gratitude for your choice and it will position us in a great place to fulfil your wishes.

You can access your College's Legacy Brochure and may wish to download and return a Legacy Pledge form. Please feel free to contact Ryan Cullum, Regular Giving and Legacies Officer, at / on +44(0) 1223 339036.

Your legacy to Robinson can take one of several forms. There are three main types of legacy: residuary, pecuniary and specific.

  • Residuary: after debts, taxes, expenses and all other bequests have been paid, you can leave the remainder of your Estate to charity. A residuary gift is simple and flexible as you do not have to quantify the sum, nor worry about inflation.
  • Pecuniary: you can leave a specified amount of money to charity. The value of a pecuniary gift may be affected by inflation, so it would be worth reviewing this periodically, or you can make it bequest index-linked, meaning it can grow over the years in line with the Retail Price Index (RPI).
  • Specific: you can leave non-monetary assets - such as land, property, stocks, shares and valuable possessions - to charity.

Legacy gifts can be directed to a specific purpose within College. Please contact us to discuss, in confidence, what you want your legacy to achieve, to ensure it can be adminstered as you intend. It is best to describe your prefercences broadly in your Will.

'Unrestricted' legacy gifts are particularly valuable, as they afford your College the flexibility to embrace the opportunities, and confront the challenges, of the future.

Professional legal advice should be sought in deciding what is most appropriate for you.

  • Securing our legacy: Robinson thrives with sincerest thanks to its members and friends. Your legacy gift helps preserve the rich history and traditions while ensuring continued growth of your College.
  • Empowering future generations: your contribution provides future students with continued educational excellence and a vibrant community, much like the one you remember from your time.
  • Financial stability: your investment plays a crucial role in ensuring your College's ability to maintain what makes Robinson special, and importantly support its long-term planning.

Yes. As a registered charity (1137494), a legacy gift to Robinson is deducted from the net value of your Estate before inheritance tax is calculated, reducing your overall liability. This is beneficial to your College and potentially other named in your Will. By including bequests to charity, it is possible to reduce the inheritance tax liability of your Estate. Please talk with a qualified solicitor to discuss the potential tax implications for your circumstances.

I give to the Warden and Fellows of Robinson College, University of Cambridge (registered charity number 1137494) ('the College')

  • the residuce of my Estate


  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ percent of the residue of my estate


  • the sum of (amount in words) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

for the general purposes of the College and I declare that the receipt of the Finance Bursar or other authorised office for the time being of the College shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executors.

Please contact Cambridge in America for further information on how to leave a legacy to Robinson:

1120 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Fllor, New York, NY 10036
