There are a number of ways in which you may make a personal gift to Robinson College: by cheque, by credit card or by direct debit.
Support from our alumni and friends - no matter how large or small the gift - demonstrates that those who know our College best care enough to make their own contributions. This also helps the College significantly in its subsequent approaches to other potential major sources of funding, such as trusts and foundations.
A regular gift by Direct Debit helps us to plan ahead, knowing that we will have the funds in place to maintain Robinson's record of academic excellence and to help secure its financial independence for the future. However, all gifts make a real difference to the opportunities for teaching, learning and research that we are able to offer and single gifts by cheque or credit card are also most welcome.
To make a gift, please donate online or download the donation form. Thank you!
Gifts may be made more tax-efficient for UK donors via the Gift Aid scheme. Under the gift aid scheme, donors who are UK tax-payers may sign a declaration that allows Robinson College to reclaim the basic rate income tax that has already been paid on the sum by the donor. In order to take advantage of the scheme, the donor must pay an amount in income or capital gains tax that is at least equal to the tax to be reclaimed by the charity. If the donor is a higher rate tax-payer s/he may then also reclaim the difference between basic and higher rate income tax on his or her tax return at the year end. In this way, each £1 given to Robinson will be worth £1.25 to the College, but costs a higher rate tax-payer no more than 75p. A gift aid declaration is included on the downloadable gift form on this page and on our online giving pages. In order to take advantage of Gift Aid, please sign and date this declaration when you complete and return the donation form.
Donors from most EU countries and Switzerland may make tax efficient donations through Transnational Giving Europe, a consortium of Foundations that act as tax efficient conduits to other charities in countries within the Foundation network. Please email or visit the TGE website for further information.
If you are a U.S. taxpayer you will find it advantageous to make your gifts to Cambridge in America. Please visit and click on "Giving" for full details, or call (212) 984-0960 in the U.S.
Gifts from Canadian tax-payers are deductible against Canadian tax and donors will be provided with a receipt that meets the requirements of the Canadian tax authorities.