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Housekeeping Feedback Form

Dear College Member,

I and my Team fully recognise that your room is your home for 30 weeks of the year and therefore it needs to be comfortable, convivial and yours. We therefore strive to understand and exceed your expectations within the constraints of cost and practicability. We hope that we have struck the right balance.

Please feel free to contact me with any thoughts you may have about what we offer and how we do it. I am open to receiving comments, criticism or ideas, in person, on the telephone or by e-mail.

Please visit my office just off the Umney Foyer on the ground level, telephone 39128 or e-mail to Julie Allen

Alternatively please complete the feedback form below which will enable you to provide your comments anonymously.

Yours sincerely,
Julie Allen - Housekeeping Manager

[Optional, but necessary if you would like a reply]