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40th anniversary of the Official Opening of Robinson College

June 30, 2023
Official Opening of Robinson College

This year marks a number of anniversaries in connection with Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. On 29 May 1981, HM the Queen was accompanied by him when she performed the official opening of the College. As well as the 100th anniversary of his birth, 2021 also sees the 10th anniversary of his final visit to the University and Robinson before standing down as Chancellor of the University and the first Visitor of Robinson, a role he held ex-officio as Chancellor. See Bin Brook Michaelmas Term 2011 for a report on the latter visit. He made three visits in total to Robinson: in addition to the two visits above, he visited the construction site in 1979. The photograph, taken at the official opening on 29 May 1981, shows Prince Philip to the right of the picture, also the Queen on the left, and Professor Charles Brink (Chair of the Trustees) next to her, making introductions. Professor Jack Lewis (the first Warden, later Lord Lewis) is just visible behind Charles Brink [Archive ref. RCPH 7/7b, courtesy of Caroline Brown, Robinson 1980].

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