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New Directions Composition Prize - Winners Announced

August 9, 2024
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The New Directions Composition Prize aims to share the joy of music by encouraging young people to create their own original composition. After receiving 37 excellent entries, we are pleased to announced the winners of the competition, which have been chosen by Robinson Fellow in Music, Dr Jeremy Thurlow. 

Age 10-13 category winner
Laura Kesiak - Dance of Spring

Age 14-16 category winner
Lily Weston - Since Eden

Age 16-18 category winners
Kashim Jamaal - Pear Tree
Ruvin Meda - The Grand Library
Thomas McDonnell - Song of Trees and Wind 

Many congratulations to all the winners, as well as the Highly Commended and Commended entrants. We greatly enjoyed listening to your compositions, and we hope you are inspired to keep writing music!