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Robinson Fellow celebrates prestigious award and prize

October 19, 2023
Graphical representation of a molecular structure

The Institute of Physics has awarded Professor Clemens Kaminski the prestigious Rosalind Franklin Medal and Prize in recognition of his extraordinary work developing optical methods to interrogate molecular mechanisms in biological systems.

"Professor Clemens Kaminski has made seminal contributions in the development of advanced optical methods for the exploration of the physics, chemistry and biology of living systems on scales ranging from the single molecule to full organisms. His research spans both linear and nonlinear optical methods and includes theoretical and experimental work. His methods have led to ground-breaking discoveries in the study of protein misfolding diseases, in virus research, and in the study of organelle–organelle interactions in living cells". *

For further information on the award and the research of Professor Kaminski, please click through here to read more.

The whole Robinson community would like to congratulate Professor Kaminski on this fabulous achievement.

*Text taken from the IOP website