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STEP Prep Day

Applications for the 2024 STEP Prep Day are closed.

If you have any questions about the event please email


The STEP Prep Day is a one-day event for students who have started Year 13 and are interested in studying Mathematics at university, and particularly at Cambridge. 

The 2024 STEP Prep Day will run on Saturday 13th July 2024

The aim of the STEP Prep Day is to introduce students to the STEP exam, the style of questions used in the STEP papers, and the thought required to tackle them. The event will include an admissions talk and Q&A, a virtual introduction to the College, and sessions designed to familiarise students with STEP questions, led by current students and teaching staff from the University of Cambridge. The focus of the academic sessions will be on Mathematics and Mechanics, rather than Statistics. 

STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) is an assessment done at the end of Year 13, which forms part of the conditional offer for Mathematics across all colleges of the University. For more information, please see here:



This event is open to students who will be in Year 13 (or equivalent) in September 2024 (current Year 12 students) at a UK state-maintained school. To apply for the event, students must be studying Mathematics and Further Mathematics to A-Level, or IB Higher Level Mathematics. 

There are 30 places available on the STEP Prep Day. 

If the programme is oversubscribed, we will prioritise applicants who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Have at any time been under the care of a Local Authority.
  • Are currently eligible for Free School Meals, or who have been eligible for Free School Meals in the last 6 years.
  • Are currently attending a school with low progression rates to higher-tariff universities.
  • Are the first in their immediate family to attend university.
  • Have home postcodes in areas with low local participation in Higher Education (POLAR4 quintiles 1 and 2).
  • Have home postcodes in areas of high socio-economic deprivation (IMD quintiles 1 and 2). 
  • Are from an ethnic background currently under-represented at the University of Cambridge (Black African, Black Caribbean, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Arab, or GRT (Gypsy, Roma, or Traveller).
  • Have achieved high GCSE Grades in subjects involving a Mathematics or Physics component (e.g. GCSE Mathematics, GCSE Physics, GCSE Science, GCSE Additional Science).
  • Have high AS/A-Level Predicted Grades in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics (if taken).
  • Live or attend a school in our link areas of Swindon, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire or the London Borough of Wandsworth.



Applications for the 2024 STEP Prep Day will open in May 2024. 

If you have any questions regarding the event, please e-mail