Applications for the 2024 RCSA BME Residential are now closed.
The residential is open to students who will be in Year 12 in September 2024 - i.e. current Year 11s.
This is a new residential opportunity led by the Robinson College Students' Association (RCSA), and in particular their Racial Equalities Officers. This event is aimed at students entering Year 12 who identify as BME (Black or Minority Ethnic), and who are interested in gaining an insight into selective universities.
The event will provide an opportunity for academically-able students to explore student life, university-level learning, as well as receive valuable information about making competitive university applications.
This year the RCSA BME Residential will run from Sunday 22nd September - Tuesday 24th September 2024.
The RCSA BME Residential is open to all students who will begin Year 12 (England & Wales) / Year 13 (N. Ireland) / S5 (Scotland) or equivalent in September 2023. It is open only to students attending who identify as BME (Black or Minority Ethnic).
If the programme is oversubscribed, we will prioritise applicants who: