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Robinson College Alumni Association (Pegasus)

All graduates of College automatically become members of Robinson College Alumni Association (Pegasus) (RCAA).  The Association works closely with the Development Office in College, liaising with groups and individuals and suggesting and contributing to events, particularly the annual Alumni Forum held in March. There is a Committee of College Fellows and alumni which coordinates suggestions and these are welcome from any alumnus. 

The Development Office in College arranges numerous events such as the Annual Reunions in March and September, the Annual Reception in London each July, industry events and publications such as Bin Brook magazine and Robinson College Record.

Two weekends – in March and September – are the mainstays of the Robinson alumni calendar, together with visits to key cities and regions such as East Asia and the Annual Reception in London. Every year in March there is a Reunion Dinner for year groups who celebrate their 15th, 25th, and 35th anniversaries of matriculations, with a Forum open to all. The September Reunion Dinner gathers year groups who celebrate their 10th, 20th, 30th and 40th anniversaries of matriculations.

For details of forthcoming alumni events and booking please click here.   


Create your own Robinson alumni event

We are always open to suggestions from alumni for additional events. Such alumni-organised events can be anything from a pub meeting in London to a gathering in Cambridge to a restaurant meal in Kuala Lumpur, supported by publicity from the Development Office and financial support from The Pegasus Alumni Society Funds. You suggest it and run it and the RCAA and Development Office will back you up - the suggestions come entirely from alumni.

Contact Us

If you are interested in organising a Robinson alumni event, have any queries, suggestions, feedback or comments please contact the Development Office at, (+44) (0)1223 339036

Robinson College Alumni Association (Pegasus)
c/o Development Office
Robinson College
Grange Road

Robinson College Alumni Association (Pegasus) Committee

The RCAA (Pegasus) has a committee of elected members. It meets twice a year, on the Saturday afternoon of the September Reunions and at the Annual General Meeting held in March. Interim matters are dealt with by email.

Update March 1st 2021:  Forward planning has now re-started but there will be no AGM March 2021 and current Committee members will be in post till March 2022 AGM. 

Members of the current RCAA Committee (2021-2022):

President Vacant

Deputy President: Vacant

Hon Secretary Steve Jeffels

Hon Treasurer Saul Nassé

Editors of Robinson College Record  Dr Judith Weiss & Dr Brian McCabe

Committee members

Charles Richards

Zhuan Faraj

Rahul Mansigani

Saul Nassé

Rosalyn Old

SCR rep Position vacant

MCR rep = MCR President

JCR rep = RCSA President