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Warden: Sir Richard Heaton KCB

Deputy Warden: Professor Anuj Dawar


Fellows, Life Fellows and Emeritus Fellows

Dr Scott Annett - Senior Tutor, English

Dr Stephanie Archer - Psychological and Behavioural Sciences

Professor Duncan Astle - Biological Sciences

Professor German E Berrios - Life Fellow, Clinical Medicine

Professor Nick Bexfield - Veterinary Medicine

Professor Peter Bossaerts - Economics

Dr Martin Brett - Emeritus Fellow, History

Ms Fiona Brockbank - Finance Bursar 

Dr Peter Newman Brooks -  Life Fellow, Theology

Professor L Mick Brown - Emeritus Fellow, Physics

Professor Carlos Caldas, FMedSci - Oncology

Dr Kevin J Chalut - Natural Sciences (Physical)

Professor Nicholas Collings - Emeritus Fellow, Engineering

Dr Emma Cooper - Education

Professor Alexander C Copley - Earth Sciences

The Revd Dr David G Cornick - Emeritus Fellow, Theology

Dr Andrej Corovic - Medicine

Professor Colin M Crump - Natural Sciences (Biological)

Professor Anuj Dawar - Computer Science

Dr Gary J Doherty - Clinical Medicine

Professor Ian T Drummond - Emeritus Fellow, Mathematics

Professor Melinda J Duer - Natural Sciences (Physical)

Dr Mohammed Z E B Elshafie - Engineering

Professor Amy L Erickson - History

Professor David Fairen Jimenez - Chemical Engineering

Dr Rebecca Fell - Spanish

Professor Rory E Finnin - Modern Languages

Professor Christopher F Forsyth - Life Fellow, Law

Dr Elaine A O Freer - Law

Dr Andreas Georgiou - Engineering

Professor John C Gray - Life Fellow, Natural Sciences (Biological)

Dr Paul T Griffiths - Physical Chemistry

Dr Elizabeth M Guild - Life Fellow, Modern Languages

Dr Stuart J Hogarth - Sociology

Professor Morna D Hooker - Life Fellow, Theology

Professor Peter J A Hutchinson - Medicine

Professor Ying Jin - Architecture

Dr Geraint (Geb) A C Jones - Life Fellow, Engineering

Professor Clemens F Kaminski - Chemical Engineering

Professor Gabriele Kaminski Schierle - Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Dr Iza Kavedžija - Social Anthropology

Professor Robin Kirkpatrick - Life Fellow, Modern Languages (Italian)

Professor Peter F Kornicki - Emeritus Fellow, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Dr Nikhil G Krishnan - Philosophy

Dr Johan P Larsson - Land Economy

Dr Christine E Latham - Fellow Emerita, Veterinary Medicine

Professor Judith M Lieu - Fellow Emerita, Theology

Professor Rosalind C Love - Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic

Professor Laura M Machesky - Sir William Dunn Professor of Biochemistry

Professor Malcolm R Mackley - Emeritus Fellow, Chemical Engineering

Professor Athina E Markaki - Engineering

Dr James C Massey - Research Fellow, Engineering

Dr Brian J McCabe - Emeritus Fellow, Natural Sciences (Biological)

Dr Maryon E McDonald - Fellow Emerita, Human, Social & Political Sciences Part I and Social Anthropology, Biological Anthropology & Archaeology Part II

Dr David S McKie - Life Fellow, Classics

Wg Cdr Peter D G Milloy - Emeritus Fellow & Financial Tutor

Mr Nicholas S L Milne - Emeritus Fellow

Professor Bartomeu Monserrat - Materials Science and Metallurgy

Dr Philip Murray - Law

Professor Alan Mycroft - Emeritus Fellow, Computer Science

Wg Cdr John R Myers - Emeritus Fellow

Professor Richard J Needs - Natural Sciences (Physical)

Dr Peter J Newton - Physics

Dr William P Nolan - Natural Sciences (Physical)

Professor Rachel A Oliver - Natural Sciences (Physical)

Professor Joanna E Page - Modern Languages

The Revd Dr Simon Perry - Chaplain

Dr Olga Petri - Geography

Dr Emily Kate Price - Modern and Medieval Languages

Dr Elizabeth M Rawlinson-Mills - English

Mr Ross G Reason - Fellow

Dr Olivier L J Restif - Natural Sciences (Biological)

Professor David A Ritchie - Natural Sciences (Physical)

Dr Alberto Roselló-Díez - Natural Sciences (Biological)

Dr Ian A Rudy - Management Studies & Natural Sciences (Physical)

Dr Jossy Sayir - Engineering

Professor Paul N Schofield - Veterinary Medicine & Natural Sciences (Biological)

Mr John F H Sergeant - Emeritus Fellow, Architecture

Dr Andrew M Sharkey - Medicine & Natural Sciences (Biological)

Dr Richard W Sharp - Computer Science

Dr Michael D Shin - Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Dr Brian D Sloan - Law

Baroness Smith of Newnham (Professor Julie Smith)  - Politics

Dr Mary E Stewart - Life Fellow, Modern Languages

Professor Nedunchezhian Swaminathan - Engineering

Professor John C Taylor - Emeritus Fellow, Mathematics

Dr Helen L Thaventhiran - English

Dr Deborah Thom - Fellow Emerita, History & Social Sciences

Dr Jeremy R Thurlow - Music

Dr J Teresa Tiffert - Fellow Emerita, Medicine & Natural Sciences (Biological)

Dr Christopher L Truscott - Chemistry

Dr Christopher D Warner - Mathematics

Dr Judy E Weiss - Fellow Emerita, English

Dr Claire Wilkinson - English

Professor John A Williams - Life Fellow, Engineering

Oliver Wilson-Nunn - Latin American Studies

Dr Adam J Woodhouse - History of Political Thought

Dr David A Woodman - History and Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic

Dr Jeremy D Yallop - Computer Science

Professor A David Yates - Emeritus Fellow, Law

Professor Alison L Young - Sir David Williams Professor in Law

Honorary Fellows

Sir Geoffrey Allen

Professor Leonard W Conolly

Professor Dame Athene M Donald

Mr James Harrison

Professor Dame Caroline Humphrey (Lady Rees of Ludlow)

Sir Maurice Kay

Dr Ondrej L Krivanek

Mme Christine M O Lagarde

Sir David Li 

Mr Warwick Morris 

Professor Lord Martin Rees (Baron Rees of Ludlow) 

Mrs Justice Thornton DBE (Dame Justine Thornton)